Shopping online has become a growing trend and many consumers today purchase more items over the internet than ever. Shopping in person has become an alternative and not the norm thanks to the advances of online shopping. For certain types of things, it is seems difficult to shop online. In fact, many people loathe shopping online, because they are not able to actually see the item they are going to purchase, especially when it comes to jewelry. It’s time to set those fears aside. Believe it or not (but you really will be convinced after reading this) you can actually tell by a looking at a website’s pictures whether you will be purchasing a tungsten carbide band made with high quality craftsmanship.
Doing a general search, you’ll quickly discover that there are hundreds of websites out there claiming that they sell high quality tungsten rings at the best prices. As is true with any type of shopping, in person or on line, not everyone has the best product or the best price. In actuality, only a few of these online tungsten retailers are being truthful.
Here are some methods of spotting the fibbers. To begin with, if a website uses lower quality pictures (i.e. grainy pictures), it is usually a sign of a low budget retailer. They can be considered the type of retailer who may not be around later on to honor a lifetime warranty. With these poor images, you can stare for hours and still not be able to decipher the ring’s details or even what the finish is like. If the pictures are too small, blurry, too dark or light, and basically do not show you the ring clearly, could be a sign that the retailer has something to hide.
The types of retailers that choose poor image qualities over a higher grade image that can show you details are usually signs of small time business. Even worse, many retailers of low quality tungsten rings get their low quality pictures from their overseas suppliers.
If you start shopping around and start to see similar pictures on different sites, be weary! Some retailers will simply take images from other websites and use them as their own. This can be particularly troublesome to you, the consumer, because you could be misled into thinking you are purchasing a high quality ring, when in actuality the image may not even be remotely representative of the actual ring you will receive. This is usually the sign of a jeweler that is not reputable. A reputable supplier would have given their retailer pictures to use if the retailer could not afford to hire a professional photographer for their images.
How do you know if the pictures were “borrowed” from other sites, you ask? Well, you can usually tell because the pictures on the site do not look uniform. Some may be clearer than others, or lighter than others, or darker than others. Another sign is to look at the reflections in the image, as they may look different form image to image. Usually, photographers have a certain style or technique they use to take their pictures, so the pictures should look similar if they are from the same source.
When you are ready to purchase a tungsten carbide ring, take your time to look for these factors. Ignoring something that seems off in a company’s website as far as their images go, could spell the difference between purchasing a high quality ring and thinking you purchased a high quality ring.
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